What is "singing in the pocket"?

By Ariella Vaccarino creator of Voice Lessons To Go


I've been hearing the term "singing in the pocket" a lot on The Voice from Pharrell and Blake Shelton so I thought I would do a blog post on what that actually means.

The technical name for "the pocket" in singing is "tessitura". This is the area of notes in your voice that your voice sits the best. You may have a very large range but somewhere in that range of yours is a
pocket" of your best notes that you can always count on. They may be your strongest, brightest, or warmest. They are the notes in which your particular voice shines.

This is hugely important when making a song selection for your voice. Just because you can sing all the notes in the song does not mean that it lies in your tessitura. You need to find music that stays in your best area as much as possible.

Some people have a broader "pocket/tessitura than others and it can be very impressive.

Click here to read a past blog of mine specifically on Tessitura for more information.

Sing well!

Ariella Vaccarino- creator of Voice Lessons To Go


If you would like to sing for me, before that next audition to get feed back, I offer a service called Vocal Assessments. There are many levels to choose from. Submit your voice through a link, or attachment with your questions and I will give you an honest constructive Vocal Assessment within the week.


(The Box Set)


(The book)- Sheet music transcription of v.1-4


Voice Lessons To Go For Kids!- Sing Out Proud!


(For a gentle morning warm-up try Vocal Repair)

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Ariella's Vocal Notes- Blog