Tricking your singing voice with alternating vocal exercise warm-ups for results.

By Ariella Vaccarino creator of Voice Lessons To Go

New Video! Tricking your singing voice into a great vocal warm-up

Tricking your singing voice with alternating vocal exercise warm-ups for results.

This week on our mini video voice lesson, I am pulling some vocal exercises from my Volume 3 CD, Pure Vowels, and changing them up to trick your muscles so that they don’t have time to set and hold while you sing.

In my own singing warm-up I often vary simple singing exercises with direction, tempi, vowels and syllables. The minute an exercise does not seem to be working for me I change it up. Often times I go back to it after I have “pushed through some walls” using other approaches.

Click to watch this weeks video. Post any questions or comments under my Youtube video and I will respond.

***I’d love to see video clips in the comments of my YouTube page or on my Facebook page, of you guys trying these singing exercises!***

Tricking your singing voice with alternating vocal exercise warm-ups for results.-Singing Lessons.

In this video, Ariella Vaccarino, creator of Voice Lessons To Go, pull 3 exercises from her v.3 CD, Pure Vowels and play. She plays them straight out of her Book, Vocalize! on the piano for this video's singing lesson.

I used the two Voice Lessons To Go items below (clickable) for the video.


Sing well everyone!
Ariella Vaccarino

Ariella's Vocal Notes- Blog