The thrill for me on hearing a new singing voice.- A voice teacher’s perspective

By Arumuga ganesh


As a voice teacher, I find myself speaking a lot about technic and how to be a good singer. A subject I don’t think I have spoken about is how I feel being a voice teacher.

So I am going to:

I get such a thrill when I hear a new voice. It is so magical to hear what people are walking around with in their larynx. Every time I get a new student or do a Vocal Assessment on a new voice through my website, it is like unwrapping a gift for the first time.

I am amazed at the array of voices, and abilities that people have. Some walk in with a perfectly placed sound, some with a fabulous ping that never would need a microphone, others have such warm sounds, some are like velvet, some are kooky and fun…

I have singers who know nothing about singing who have full on classical voices that could sing on an opera stage, others with the clearest diction made for musical theater, some voices are smokey for torch songs, others have a fabulous grit for the blues or rock.

I love being at my piano bench or computer screen helping a voice that is new to me find its way to be the best voice that it can be.

Not everyone is good. But everyone usually has something special about their singing voice, or performance ability. There are those who light up a room with their faces when they start to sing, those that you can’t look a way from, those that move you spiritually.

There are sweet voices, dark voices, quirky voices, gorgeous voices…

The voice has as many unique qualities as do people’s faces.

So I enjoy that. I thought I’d share that. :)

I ‘ve worked with a few new voices lately through my Vocal Assessment service and studio that have moved me to share this with you.

Enjoy the uniqueness of your voice. I hope to hear many of you!

Welcome to my 5th Podcast!

I woke up yesterday and remembered an audition I had years ago in which I learned a very important lesson.

Here are some thoughts that I have about faking your confidence to get through a singing performance or audition.

Sing well!

Written by Ariella Vaccarino creator of :

Box Set- Voice Lessons To Go

Voice Lessons To Go- The box set

Voice Lessons To GO for Kids! v.1- cover

Voice Lessons To Go for Kids!- v.1 Sing Out Proud!

Vocalize!- The sheet music compilation of all four Voice Lessons To Go CDs.

Vocalize!- The sheet music compilation of all four Voice Lessons To Go CDs.


Want a professional opinion of how you sound? Sign up for my Vocal Assessment. Then send me a link or mp3 of you singing (audio/or audio-visual) with your questions and I will get back to you with my feedback right away

Ariella's Vocal Notes- Blog