Deanna Johnson (The Voice)- Self-doubt is poison for singers

By Ariella Vaccarino creator of Voice Lessons To Go


There is a girl on The Voice named Deanna Johnson. She is a fantastic unique sounding singer. Really she has the entire package to be a long lasting country/crossover type artist. She struggles a lot with her nerves.

On the show yesterday they mentioned how when she was younger there were some girls who made fun of her singing which has always stuck in her brain. As a result she has been filled with self-doubt and huge fears of being judged.

You have to hear this girl. She is so incredible. Her voice is hauntingly beautiful. And her tone is completely unique. Deanna is such an exquisite young woman to look at as well. (Did a Greek goddess just walk on that stage?)

My point about this is negative comments about your singing will happen to everyone.

What you do with those comments is what matters.

There will always be someone who doesn't like you, your sound, your look;

A judge who doesn't look up at an audition, a mean kid who makes fun of your vibrato, an agent who won't return your phone call.

The best of the best stars and singers have a laundry list of negative rejection tales they have faced.

Listen to Deanna. Can you imagine telling her that she couldn't sing? Whether the kids were jealous, or just dumb it doesn't matter. The words stuck in this beautiful singers brain and that is such a shame.

Deanna did an amazing performance last night of Down to the River to Pray. I am so happy that she didn't give up to the "demons of negativity" years ago. She shines beautifully here.

Find a way singers to build a big protective shell around yourselves. Not everyone will be nice and well mannered along your path. We tend to drown out the many positive comments with the one negative. This needs to be turned around. Know who you are and never give in to the rejection.

Enjoy Deanna Johnson. She is a great singer.

The Voice 2015 Deanna Johnson - Live Playoffs: "Down to the River to Pray"

Deanna Johnson lays it all on the line, singing the traditional song, "Down to the River to Pray."

Be strong singers!

Ariella Vaccarino creator of Voice Lessons To Go


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