How to HUM in your singing warm up

By Ariella Vaccarino creator of Voice Lessons To Go

I've been busy this past week doing a lot of filming and trying to learn about different social media platforms to release my weekly videos. It is A LOT TO LEARN!

It reminds me of singing though....we work as singers alone for countless hours for any opportunities to perform.

That is how I feel with my new endeavor that I am sharing with you every week. I am spending a lot of time at my computer these days trying to figure this all out. I will take all help!! :)

FYI- (Any shares, likes, comments you leave me directly on my YouTube videos help to boost their ranking which helps it to be suggested to people in their search.)

This week's mini singing lesson video works on humming for your singing warm up. Humming is a great tool because it is gentle and can can be done as one of your first vocalizes of the day. Humming is also quiet, which sometimes is important when we need to get our voices warm without making too much noise.

Voice Lessons To Go-How to hum for your singing warm up

Join Ariella Vaccarino, creator of Voice Lessons To Go in this mini singing lesson focused on humming. Humming is an excellent tool to add to your daily singing warm up. When you vocalize, use humming as one of the first sounds that you make.

Sing well everyone!

Ariella Vaccarino

Ariella's Vocal Notes- Blog