Faking Confidence when Singing to become confident- Podcast

By Arumuga ganesh


Welcome to my 5th Podcast!

I woke up yesterday and remembered an audition I had years ago in which I learned a very important lesson.

Here are some thoughts that I have about faking your confidence to get through a singing performance or audition.

Sing well!

Written by Ariella Vaccarino creator of :

Box Set- Voice Lessons To Go

Voice Lessons To Go- The box set

Voice Lessons To GO for Kids! v.1- cover

Voice Lessons To Go for Kids!- v.1 Sing Out Proud!

Vocalize!- The sheet music compilation of all four Voice Lessons To Go CDs.

Vocalize!- The sheet music compilation of all four Voice Lessons To Go CDs.


Want a professional opinion of how you sound? Sign up for my Vocal Assessment. Then send me a link or mp3 of you singing (audio/or audio-visual) with your questions and I will get back to you with my feedback right away






Ariella's Vocal Notes- Blog