On this week's new video, Ep.1 Mini Singing Lesson- Ma, Me,Mi,Mo, Moo & We, I teach and sing through 5 different vocalizes for your singing singwarm up focusing on the sounds, "Ma, Me, Mi, Mo and Mo".
I also does a few vocal exercises on the syllable "We".
Practice using your chest voice and head voice switching where comfortable. Everyone's voice is different.
On this week's mini voice lesson, sing along with Ariella Vaccarino, creator of Voice Lessons To Go. She sings through 5 different vocalizes for your singing warm up. Her singing exercises focus on the sounds, "Ma, Me, Mi, Mo and Mo". She also does a few vocal exercises on the syllable "We".
Sing well everyone!
Ariella Vaccarino
Posted on 10/15/2019 at 09:39 AM