Ep.1 Mini Singing Lesson Ma,Me,Mi,Mo,Moo&We

By Ariella Vaccarino creator of Voice Lessons To Go

On this week's new video, Ep.1 Mini Singing Lesson- Ma, Me,Mi,Mo, Moo & We, I teach and sing through 5 different vocalizes for your singing singwarm up focusing on the sounds, "Ma, Me, Mi, Mo and Mo".
I also does a few vocal exercises on the syllable "We".
Practice using your chest voice and head voice switching where comfortable. Everyone's voice is different.

Ep.#1- Voice Lessons To Go- Mini *SINGING* Lesson- Ma,Me,Mi,Mo,Moo & We

On this week's mini voice lesson, sing along with Ariella Vaccarino, creator of Voice Lessons To Go. She sings through 5 different vocalizes for your singing warm up. Her singing exercises focus on the sounds, "Ma, Me, Mi, Mo and Mo". She also does a few vocal exercises on the syllable "We".

Sing well everyone!

Ariella Vaccarino

Ariella's Vocal Notes- Blog