Being thankful for your singing voice

By Ariella Vaccarino creator of Voice Lessons To Go


It's that time of year when we dig deep about what we are thankful for.

I always of course put my kids and husband first (and I will keep them first of course), but this year I want to take a moment to "out loud" be thankful for my God given singing talent.

We don't always take the time to acknowledge our talents. It is a strange thing to do. Like acknowledging them means you are "full of yourself".

But that is not it at all. I acknowledge that I have been given a beautiful singing voice. It runs in my family. My Grandfather was an Opera singer. My father got his talent and sang in choirs through college but chose a different career path and then it hit me. I am grateful to have been born with such a miraculous gift. I am lucky as well because all of my children are blessed with beautiful singing voices as well and that gives me so much joy.

The gift to sing and bring pleasure to people's ears and hearts through song is a special thing. Those who have been given extraordinary talents in singing are lucky. (Of course it is what you do with your talents that matter, how hard you work and persevere etc... But that is for another blog post.)

This is just a moment to stop and say thank you God for making me a gifted singer. Thank you for music. Thank you for my desire to perform. Thank you for my abilities in teaching so that I may help spread music to others.

I am grateful.

It's a simple thank you but one that is very important to me and many of you as well I am sure.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ariella Vaccarino

Sing well!

Ariella Vaccarino (creator of Voice Lessons To Go)


I am looking to develop healthy singing voices across the planet, to whomever loves to sing by creating free content and resources on quality singing instruction. Please help fund my endeavors by becoming my Patreon with any monthly pledge if you can. Thank you!

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