At what age is it appropriate to start singing lessons for children?

By Ariella Vaccarino creator of Voice Lessons To Go


There is a lot of question and controversy over what age to start singing lessons for children.

My answer is, any age as long as the lessons are age appropriate. Until the voice starts to mature at around puberty you do not want to be too demanding or technical with the voice. There are of course always exceptions to that, but it is a good guideline.

That is why many teachers do not teach younger students voice. I have always had a different approach and have taught MANY young singers over the years. You can tailor a voice lesson for any age. Kids who want to sing should have the opportunity, they join choirs don't they? Singing privately with a good instructor is actually healthier that singing with 20-100 kids in a choir. In a choir you sing out, are not personally monitored for vocal production, and have to match your voice to other singers around you, blending, not hearing yourself or developing your own sound.

In a lesson, you learn how to sing as a soloist, and with the right teacher you can gain confidence, proper vocal production, and critical feedback.

A young student can learn many valuable things:

  • Repertoire- whether it be Disney, Taylor Swift, or renaissance songs;

  • Musicianship- solfege, octaves, range, pitch; how to warm their voice up properly and easily;

  • How to sing healthy- not to strain, or scream when they sing and to sing in a range that is comfortable to them.

  • Confidence- I feel the most important thing you can gain from a good singing lesson. This will help you with all public singing and speaking events in your life.


Voice Lessons To Go For Kids!- Sing Out Proud!

As the young voice develops their teacher can expand their repertoire of vocalizes, and blend the chest and head voice naturally as it comes in. The young singer can learn proper breathing technique, posture, and how to support their sound with their body.

I think a five year old can take a singing lesson, as long as it consists of the simplest warm-ups and easy songs to sing. I don't think there should be such a stigma against voice lessons for the young student. We do not want to turn future singers away. But of course, no heavy technique or stress should be pushed onto a young voice.

For more in depth information on children and singing lessons please visit kids section on my website:

Sing well!

Ariella Vaccarino creator of Voice Lessons To Go

Do you need a professional ear to advise you on your child’s voice? Do you have questions about your child's vocal abilities, technical or performance challenges and strengths, or the best path for their vocal training?
With a Kid’s Consult, Ariella will review a recording of your child singing, up to 5 of your questions, and provide a 15 minute phone consultation to discuss your child’s voice.

Kid’s Consult

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* 15 min. phone consultation regarding your child’s singing or training
Cost: $49.99


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